Selling Your House

 Getting the Best Price For Your Home

Effective marketing is the key to selling your home quickly and getting the highest price. Aggressive, effective marketing of our client's homes by every available medium is how we've ve become a top real estate agents in the area. It's our job to assure that you get as many qualified offers as possible, allowing you to extract the highest price the market will bear.

One of the most important elements of marketing your home effectively is setting the price right. Set the price too high, and you won't get any offers and your home will take too long to sell. Set it too low and you cheat yourself by not getting your home's full, fair value. We are experts in the area and we analyze the market and set area home prices every single day. We'll work closely with you to assure that everything possible is done to get the highest price, in the time frame you need.

The condition and appearance of your home are also critical factors in getting the best price for your home. We'll personally walk with you through your home and advise you of what you can do to properly stage your home most effectively. Some areas are much more important and more likely to pay off than others! Often, the buyer is motivated by emotional responses as much or more than financial issues. There are usually things we can point out to you that are easy and inexpensive, yet go a long way toward triggering those "buy" emotions.

As your agents, we'll negotiate furiously on your behalf throughout the entire process to ensure that your best interests are protected. Real estate negotiations and contracts can be intimidating in their complexity. Most people have almost no experience in these negotiations. After all, how often do you buy or sell a new house? As a top real estate professional, getting you the best terms and prices in all negotiations is simply part of my job.

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 Setting the Sales Price

Before we set the sales price of your house, we'll run a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) that will show the listing price of similar houses in the area as well as the prices at which the houses actually sold. Additionally, the analysis will give us information about houses currently on the market and about houses that were on the market but never sold.

Next, we'll ask you about your goals in selling the house. Everyone who sells a house has different goals that need to be factored in when calculating the selling price.

Is your goal to get the maximum sales price for your house?
If so, are you willing to have your house on the market for many months?
Is your goal to sell your house quickly?
If so, are you willing to sacrifice some of your potential profits to sell more quickly?
Would you like to establish a balance between selling your house quickly and selling at the top end of market value?

Market conditions will play a role in setting the sales price of your house. we'll factor in how quickly houses are selling in your area, interest rates, the strength of the school system, and finally whether it is a buyer's or seller's market.

We'll then recommend a price at which to list your house to meet your goals in the local market.

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 Make Sure Your House Is Easy To Show

To get your home sold quickly, it’s important that other agents in the area show it to as many potential buyers as possible. The first thing a good agent will do when working with buyers is talk to the buyer and learn what kind of home they are looking for. Then the agent will search all the available homes for those most closely matching what the buyer wants. Next, the agent puts together a list of the best matches to go show to the buyer. When a busy agent is compiling a list of homes to show a buyer, the agent will naturally tend to show those houses that are easiest to gain access to first. Many homes on the market have “lock boxes” on them. The lock box is a device which holds a key to the home, that only qualified local agents can access. Homes with lock boxes will get shown more often than homes listed as “agent has key or owner must be home”. If at all possible, you should let your agent put a lock box on your home for easier showing.

If you can’t do a lock box, you need to be sure that you make it as convenient and easy as possible for other agents to show your home. If they call, do whatever you have to do to accommodate letting them show your home to buyers on their schedule. If you don’t, the agent will probably show the buyer other homes, and if that buyer makes an offer on one of them, you’ve just lost a great opportunity.

It’s best if you can leave when the agent and buyer arrive to see your home. Buyers won’t feel comfortable with you there, and it could sour an otherwise good impression.

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 Things To Do Before You List Your House

Once you have decided that you are going to be selling your house, there are a some relatively easy things you can do
that will help your house to sell more quickly and at a higher price.


Kitchens and Bathrooms
  • Remove unnecessary items from your counter tops.

  • Remove pots, pans and plastic containers that you don't use every day.

  • Clear out cabinets and pantries.

  • Remove the art gallery and coupon collection from the refrigerator.

  • Are the surfaces clean and clear? 

  • Is the flooring clean and fresh?

  • Are towels neatly hung?

These few tips will make your home look spacious and will really help to sell your house.



Clearing out some of the clothes and other items stored in your closets can help to make them look like they have plenty of room for the new occupants. This might be a good time to give away some of your old cloths or box them up if you have enough storage room.


Consider moving some of your furniture into storage if you can live without it. Rooms will look larger if there is open space and the furniture doesn't look crammed in. A rented storage space can really come in handy in this regard.

Put Away Things You Don't Need

Your house will look much more spacious and elegant if clutter is removed.

  • Start packing up things you don't need every day so that your shelves and surface areas don't look crowded.

  • Rent a storage locker to help to make garages and basements look clean and usable.

  • Throw away things that you are not going to take with you when you move.

  • Have a garage sale now rather than waiting until after you have sold your house.

Remember, the more you get rid of now, the easier your move will be.

Check the walls.
Is paint and wallpaper fresh and clean?
Are the walls free from holes?
Are there any colors or objects on the walls that need to be removed?

Check the floors.
Is the carpet clean and free from stains?
Are hard surface floors clean and free from stains?

Check windows and window coverings.
Are all the windows clean?
Are draperies and blinds clean?

Pet check.
Are there any signs that this is a pet's home? Be sure to clean and remove kitty litter, pet toys and bedding.

How's the aroma?
Try to air out the home prior to showings.
If air freshener is necessary, use well before showings as a consideration to those with allergies.

Set the mood prior to showings.
Open draperies and blinds.
Turn on the radio and tune it to a classical music station, set the volume on low.

Remember to take the time to do these simple things.

These tips will make the buyers experience more welcoming and pleasurable

and will set you apart from other homes on the market.

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 Should You Paint?

There are many factors involved in marketing and selling your home. You can't control most of them. The curb appeal of your home plays a big role in the sales process, and it's one of the things you can have direct control over. You'll never get another chance to make a first impression of how your home looks from the street. If your home exterior needs new paint, potential buyers might not even get out of their car to come in and look. Putting fresh paint on your home, both on the outside and the inside, is usually the one thing you can do that pays off the fastest. You'll get more buyers looking, and they'll like what they see more, translating into a better chance for a quick offer at a higher price.

Try to stick with light, neutral colors. These seem to resonate best with buyers. A fresh coat of light beige on interior walls will freshen up your home and make it more marketable.

Simply put, new paint is usually the most profitable improvement you can make when getting your home ready for sale. So unless your paint is already in like new condition, you probably should paint.

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 Home Sellers' Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. Why shouldn't I price my house a little high, since I can always drop the price later?

A. That's a strategy that sounds good – but, in fact, is more likely to result in a lower price. Here's why. The first few weeks a house is on the market is when it will have the most activity. If a house is overpriced, it has to compete with houses at that higher price level, which are almost certainly larger or have newer/more luxurious features.

So the overpriced home is unlikely to attract an offer. Worse yet, those first weeks are when real estate agents preview the house. If it's overpriced, they may not even bother to show it to their buyers. Eventually, the seller will have to drop the price – and may end up with an even lower price because buyers will wonder why the house has been on the market so long and may factor that into their offer. An Orange Key Price Trend Analysis provides a unique method for arriving at a selling price that takes your local market situation into account.

Q. What is meant by the term "contingency" in a sales contract?

A. Sales contracts typically contain several "contingency" clauses, or stipulations that the sale is subject to. For example, with a mortgage contingency, if the buyer is unable to obtain financing within the specified timeframe, neither the buyer nor the seller is required to complete the purchase. Among other common provisions in the "subject to" section are termite and other inspection issues and the purchaser's need to sell a current home first.

Q. What is an escape clause?

A. An escape clause, also known as a kick-out or knock-out clause, is a provision that allows the party to void the contract. For example, the seller may retain the right to look for a more favorable offer, with the original purchaser retaining the right, if challenged, either to firm up the first sales contract (such as by waiving a contingency) or to void the contract. As another example, sellers might insist upon an escape clause in a contract that hinges on the buyers' selling their home.

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